IIB Organised Education Visit

IIB Organised Education Visit

Education Trip is one of the activities which is organised by IIB, where few representative students from 24 different schools are chosen to participate. On 29th February 48 students from different schools went to Nkula Hydroelectrical where students learnt many...
IIB Conducts a Carrier Talk

IIB Conducts a Carrier Talk

On 9th, 13th, 23rd February and 14th March IIB conducted a zone get together which took place at Blantyre Secondary School, Zingwangwa Secondary School, Namiwawa CDSS and St Luis Private School respectively. Students from different schools were as follows: Blantyre...
IIB Conducts College Conference

IIB Conducts College Conference

IIB conducted a college conference which took place at Polytechnic on 8th February under the theme “Thinking Outside the Box”. Students from Polytechnic, College of Medicine, International of Business, KCN and Blantyre Health Science participated on this...

IIB Upcoming College Conference

On 8th February IIB has organised a College Conference which will take place at College of Medicine. This conference will involve college students from different colleges under the theme ‘Changing The Status Quo’

IIB Conducts A Zone Get Together

Islamic Bureau will conduct a zone get together in the month of February on 9th, 15th and 23 which will take place in various schools as Bangwe Secondary School, Blantyre Secondary school and Zingwangwa secondary school.