Jan 23, 2020 | Events, Youth Desk
Islamic Information Bureau Finals of the tournament were played between Bilaal FC from Bangwe and Al-firdaus from Chirimba at B.A.T ground on 14th December 2019. Bilaal FC were the winners of the match and they walked away with MWK 90,000.00 where Al-firdaus team...
Jan 23, 2020 | Events, Youth Desk
IIB conducted a general get together which was held at Igra Propagation Hall on 30th December 2019. This get together targeted students from Blantyre and outside Blantyre as well and almost 310 students attended the event. The main aim of this get together was to...
Dec 4, 2019 | News, Youth Desk
From 24th to 27thDecember Islamic Information Bureau will host a Sisters Camp which will take place at Blantyre Islamic Mission. The camp will be held under the theme of Relevant Skills for the Development of Islam & Sustainable Social Economic Growth in Malawi....
Dec 4, 2019 | News, Youth Desk
Youth football tournament started on 30th November and it will end on 15 December. The tournament is founded by Rainbow Paints and it is targeting youths from different location as: Bangwe, Mbayani, Chirimba , Mpigwe, Machinjiri, Mpemba & Kachere. On 30th...
Dec 4, 2019 | News, Youth Desk
On 14th November, Islamic Information Bureau had an intercollege meeting which took place at Soche Technical College. Students from different colleges came together and they were addressed on several issues. The objectives of the meeting were: 1. To talk issues...
Oct 1, 2019 | Events, News, Youth Desk
Islamic I nformation Bureau has a program which is called Interzone. Where almost 28 schools are divided into zones as Zingwangwa zone, Bangwe Zone and Chirimba zone and they conduct get together. On 22 September these zones had a get together which took place in...