Apr 13, 2021 | Events, Youth Desk
This Intercollege meeting took place on 5th March at College of Medicine. The theme of this meeting was “Preparing Ramadhan” the attendance was awesome, it was attended by many students from different colleges like College of Medicine, Polytechnic, Soche Technical,...
Mar 30, 2021 | Events, Youth Desk
On 4th April IIB has organised education visit and this time around they will go to Mulanje (Dziwe la Nkhalamba) and they will also visit where there is a project of Blantyre water board. The reasons for their visit are as follows: To visit Blantyre Water Board...
Dec 9, 2020 | Events, News, Youth Desk
On 10th October IIB conducted an Interzone Meeting which took place at College of Medicine under the Theme: “Stepping Ahead” the meeting was attended by 130 students from various colleges within Blantyre. The Objectives of this Inter college meetings were as follows:...
Dec 9, 2020 | Events, Youth Desk
IIB conducts interzone get together which took place in five zones: Bangwe zone, Blantyre city zone, Ndirande Zone, Zingwangwa Zone and Chirimba zone. The reasons for the get together were as follows: To bring students together to encourage them in their education...
Dec 9, 2020 | Events, News, Youth Desk
On 30th October,2020 IIB organised an education trip to Mulanje and there were 50 representatives from 25 secondary schools within Blantyre. The Objectives for the educational trip were as follow: Stimulate and reinforce a positive attitude towards education. Provide...
Aug 18, 2020 | News, Youth Desk
IIB Education Programs still on both On Television & Radio Islam. This program it’s always on Islam Tv every Thursday at 7:30 – 08:00 pm and 12:00am to 12:30am and Every Sunday at 10:05 – 11:00am. The objectives of this program are as follows: To talk more about...