Oct 7, 2021 | Events, News, Youth Desk
Lilongwe IIB courts Muslim Youths for Tarbiya classes on 25 September at bureau branch. Several topics regarding Muslim religious were tackled on this day. Objectives for this Tarbiya Classes were: To allow the youth to share what they understand about their...
Sep 10, 2021 | Events, News, Youth Desk
IIB organised a general get together which took place on 7th August 2021 at Ndirande Hill Secondary School for boys while for Girls it took place at Wiving factory. The theme for the general get together was “Exploring the Possibilities”. Boys Get Together was...
Sep 10, 2021 | News, Youth Desk
IIB organisded a zone get together which took place on 3 and 10th July at Blantyre secondary school and Zingwagwa secondary school respectively. Blantyre Secondary school had 120 attendance and Zingwangwa Secondary school had 86 attendance. Theme for the get together...
Sep 10, 2021 | News, Youth Desk
In the month of July IIB organised education trip which they went at Illovo in Chikwawa. They had 64 representative students from various secondary schools. After visiting Illovo they proceed to Mwaiwawo orphanage at Mdyeratu to cheer the orphans and they distributed...
Jul 14, 2021 | Events, Youth Desk
In the month of June IIB organised Intercollege meeting which took place at Soche Technical College on 19th. They had participants from 5 collages and the theme for intercollege meeting was “The Way Forward”. Reason for this Meeting was: To discuss issues about...
Jul 14, 2021 | Events, Youth Desk
Zone get together is a function where secondary school Muslim clubs gather together. June month zone get together took place at Namiwawa CDSS were it had students from 4 secondary schools and the theme for this get together was “Being a Vibrant Muslim” Objectives for...