Jul 14, 2021 | Events, Youth Desk
Zone get together is a function where secondary school Muslim clubs gather together. June month zone get together took place at Namiwawa CDSS were it had students from 4 secondary schools and the theme for this get together was “Being a Vibrant Muslim” Objectives for...
May 31, 2021 | News, Youth Desk
IIB understands that many youths love Football and its a better time to interact with youths therefore they have organised Football tournament which will take in all 5 branches in the month of June. The reasons for this football tournament are: To share messages to...
May 5, 2021 | News, Youth Desk
IIB organised a General get together on 24th April which took place at Soche technical college and it was attended by both Collage and secondary school students. Theme for this general get together was “Do’s and Don’ts in the Month of Ramadhan” Sheikh Chiyenda was the...
May 5, 2021 | Events, Youth Desk
On 17th April IIB organised youth conference which took place at College of Medicine. Due to covid measures it was attended by only 50 representatives from 7 colleges. Theme for this conference was “Welfare of Muslims Students in their colleges”. The reason for the...
May 5, 2021 | News, Youth Desk
IIB had an educational trip with 22 students from various school. This time they went to Mulanje at Dziwe la Nkhalamba and they also visited Water Board Project. Objectives for the trip are as follows: To offer earthly enjoyable moments and make education enjoyable to...
May 5, 2021 | News, Youth Desk
Interzone get together took place at Zingwangwa Secondary school on 4th April. It was attended by 6 secondary schools: Chimwankhunda CDSS, New beginning private school, Naotcha Private Secondary school, Zingwangwa Secondary school, Stella Maris Secondary and...