IIB Handles 28 Cases

In the month of June & July IIB has handled 28 cases concerning marriage problems. 18 cases was handled in their Limbe branch while 10 cases were handles in Balaka branch. In all this cases couples have find their solutions by reconciling with their loved ones....

8 Counseling Cases in November

The month of November Islamic Information Bureau had 8 counseling cases.  People are really being helped in spiritually, financially, marital cases etc. Everyone who is facing challenges in life concerning spiritually, financially, marriages etc they are therefore...
IIB Meets With Muslim Police Officers .

IIB Meets With Muslim Police Officers .

On 28th August 2019 Islamic Information Bureau engaged Muslim police officers from different information centers at Iqra Propagation Center to talk about how they balance their spiritual religion and their career as men and women in uniform. The Guest of Honor was a...
Marriage Counselling

Marriage Counselling

We give counsel matters as: family problems, social life problems, businesses problems but these advises consider much on muslims belief. (This happens when people bring their problems. We don’t set a date for it) Under counselling we also officiate weddings free of...
Learn how to perform Hajj

Learn how to perform Hajj

Hajj lessons with DVD guides take place at the Bureaus nationally each year. For those who are going for Hajj this year or would like to learn more about it, please dont hesitate to visit your nearest Bureaus in Limbe, Balaka and Lilongwe. The obligation of Hajj is...