IIB reopens their Mzuzu branch on 26th February 2022 in response to Muslim and Non-Muslims demands for resource center where they may obtain Islamic knowledge and information since IIB’s mission is to teach people about Islam through education, Information, Social service and Dawah.

The event was so colourful and it was attended by significant people both Muslims and Non-Muslims. It was also attended by special  Guests: Sheikh Muhamamad Uthman, Mr Gomezgani Nyasulu (Mzuzu City Chief Executive Officer), Mr Kalonga (MAM Regional Chairperson), Mr Ganizani (Mzuzu City Councillor), Dr Osman Ungwe, Mr Chapulapula (from Baptist church), and Women Groups.

Objectives of Bureau reopening were as follows:

  1. To assist people in developing a reading culture which will help them to improve the understanding of things that are important to them.
  2. Promotes harmony among people of different faith.
  3. Provides knowledge about genuine religion of Islam