Youth Desk organised an educational trip to Illovo and Majete Game Reserve, this visit attracted students from 17 Secondary Schools of Chichiri Secondary, HHI Secondary, Blantyre Secondary, Bangwe Secondary, Zingwangwa Secondary, Stella Marris, St Kizito CDSS, Bangwe CDSS, Namalimwe CDSS, Namalimwe OPEN, Nyambadwe P.V.T, Zingwangwa Progressive, Njamba CDSS, Chichiri Progressive, Tafika and Tione P.V.T, Rose Gardens. P.V.T, Naizi P.V.T Schools.
The trip was organised to achieve the following:
- a- To stimulate and reinforce a positive attitude towards education.
- b- Providing wonderful opportunities to extend young people’s learning and to enrich their understanding and appreciation of themselves, others and the world around them.
- c- Trying to bring their education to life.
- d- Offering immensely enjoyable, memorable and life enhancing experiences and both making education amazing.