IIB Handles 28 Cases

In the month of June & July IIB has handled 28 cases concerning marriage problems. 18 cases was handled in their Limbe branch while 10 cases were handles in Balaka branch. In all this cases couples have find their solutions by reconciling with their loved ones....

IIB Upcoming College Conference

On 8th February IIB has organised a College Conference which will take place at College of Medicine. This conference will involve college students from different colleges under the theme ‘Changing The Status Quo’

IIB Organises An Education Visit

IIB has organised a trip to Nkula Hydro-electrical Energy with student’s representatives from different schools on 29 February 2020. The main objectives of this trip are as follows: To stimulate and enforce student’s mind. To help the student see and learn two or more...

IIB Conducts A Zone Get Together

Islamic Bureau will conduct a zone get together in the month of February on 9th, 15th and 23 which will take place in various schools as Bangwe Secondary School, Blantyre Secondary school and Zingwangwa secondary school.

IIB Will Launch a TV Program

This month of December, IIB will launch a TV program. The aim of this program is to create a forum where they will talk about education, challenges and how best students can make education successful in their living.